Alabama Newborn Photographer – When is the best time to take newborn photos?

While there are optimal times for a newborn session to take place depending on your chosen style, it is never too late to hire an Alabama Newborn Photographer to capture memories for your family. Maybe you missed the early days because you didn’t realize how fast your little one would change. Perhaps you didn’t feel your best or baby had a lengthy hospital stay. Whatever the reason, book that session and give your baby and family lasting memories of the, oh so fleeting, moments.

What is the optimal time for your newborn session to take place?

This really depends on the goal for your session.

Birth to 2 days

A fresh 48, hospital session takes place at babies place of birth within the first couple of days. This is the optimal time to capture all of the newness and tiny features of your baby.

Pros for a Fresh 48 session

  • no schedule to clear
  • nothing to clean
  • baby is extra curly and sleepy

Con’s for a Fresh 48 session

  • can’t be guaranteed if you don’t have a scheduled birth
  • mom can tend to be a little swollen and in pain

7-14 days

7-14 days old a great time for an in-home or studio lifestyle session. I prefer right around the 10 day mark but anytime up to 14 days is great for creating memories while baby is still curly and sleepy.

Pros for an in-home or studio session during this age

  • baby will still be flexible and easy to maneuver
  • baby will be sleepy and settle easily
  • baby hasn’t grown much since birth

Con’s during this age

  • mom can tend to still be a little swollen and hasn’t fully healed from birth
  • nobody is getting much sleep

15 days – 4 weeks of age

Pros for an in-home or studio session during this age

  • mom feels better and has had time for any swelling to be reduced
  • you’re likely all getting a little more sleep

Con’s during this age

  • baby hasn’t adjusted to a schedule and may be fairly unpredictable
  • baby acne and lots of flakiness may have set in

4+ weeks

While I love the curly, new baby stage this is my favorite time to photograph newborns.

Pro’s for a 4+ week newborn session

  • At this age everybody’s getting more sleep
  • mom isn’t swollen and has healed from birth
  • baby settles easily
  • baby has started to show some personality
  • you can expect a variety of awake and sleepy shots
  • baby’s skin tone is less red and more natural


  • baby is not as flexible
  • baby has lost some of it’s new baby look

Memories made, at any time, are important. Don’t regret skipping them because you think you have missed the window of opportunity. Find and Alabama newborn phtographer you love and book them.

Laura Cardan is based in Birmingham, Alabama and photographs newborns on location and in her in-home studio on weekday mornings.